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Hiya! Kristy here.


I am a Montreal-based freelance illustrator and Arts Educator. It’s so cool that you’ve found your way here and it’s such a freakin’ privilege to be able to share my artwork with you. I’ve been teaching and illustrating for over a decade at this point, which, frankly, is wild since it feels like just yesterday that I graduated from university.


Anywho, my favourite people to work with are those who are passionate about their projects or, if they’re students, those who are bonkers excited about their artistic journey. If there’s one thing I know for sure though, that is that creative people are the best people. Spoiler alert, if you’re here that probably means you.


Like so many other queer, introverted, creative types I am frequently over-caffeinated, love my cat and my plants and collect rocks for no particular reason. I also believe wholeheartedly in community over competition and hope that my products and services reflect that. If any or all of this resonates with you, drop me a line, join me on socials, or deploy a homing pigeon to get in touch. 


With appropriate parasocial love,


Kristy Boisvert (Kaybee)

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