I’ve tried writing this a bunch of times already and every single attempt has been super boring. All I’m trying to do is introduce myself and this blog and I seem to lack the ability to make that interesting. Doesn’t bode well for the rest of the blog posts does it?
Here goes. My name is Kristy (who cares), I’m an illustrator (duh) and an art teacher (yes, I have a degree and yes it took me over a decade to pay back my student loans, yay me!). My favourite thing to illustrate is colouring books but, for some reason, I never find the time to do it. This is a sad reality I hope to change in the next phase of my life (ugh, I sound so old when I say stuff like that…phase of life…ew).
Anyway, my thoughts about the content of this blog are the following:
Record my thoughts on stuff, so I can look back on it in a few years and shudder at how cringey my writing and brain was/probably still are.
Provide some educational content because it sucks that art education is so often stuck behind a paywall. Shout out to the incredible artists and teachers out there already providing free content though, YouTube is a treasure trove of information (truly).
Improve my website SEO so I can maybe sell some things and buy groceries (welcome to the real world, starving artists are real and I am one of them). Follow your dreams, start a blog.
Get comfortable sharing my perfectly, imperfect writing. I have dreamed of being a writer my whole and I always back-burner it as an impossible dream so here I am doing the thing I tell my students to do all the time. “Take a creative risk.”, “Ignore the voice in your head telling you you have to be perfect.”, “Make crappy art until it’s less crappy.”
That’s it I think, I’m going to keep it informal and informative (and try and keep my love of alliteration to a minimum). I forgot to mention, that I have about a million hobbies so be prepared for me to info dump about all of them. I’ll try and keep the posts short and digestable but there is no guarantee that I won’t do a deep dive on how paper is made or whatever.
And with the certain knowledge that I am writing this merely for myself and the Google Algorithm, I wish you good luck with your future endeavours. This may, or may not, work out.
Hey look! Some of my artwork:
Stay whatever,